Sweden Shows Postponed

Hello everyone. daniel here. so bad news first, I got off the flight to Stockholm, Sweden before it took off due to having an enourmous panic attack that I just could not get under control, triggered by recent events in my private life and some issues with the plane. I tried my best but they kept delaying the flight and keeping us sat on the tarmac with nowhere to go and nothing to do and my already struggling mind had done so well to fight on until they announced another 45 minutes of waiting and I just could not stick it out any longer. I am deeply sad about not performing these two shows in Sweden but we are working on fixing this longterm with a scenario that has me avoiding boarding an aeroplane. I am still going to perforn the show in England as planned. We have a lot of shows and locations planned over a 4 year period at the moment and we have realised that unless I get completely drunk off my skull, planes are a problem for me. So we are readjusting our whole touring plan to accomodate my mental health with regards to aeroplanes sitting on tarmac for hours.

I am gutted. I am deeply embarassed. I am super awkward about it. I fucked it up. And I am sad that I got off the plane which ironically taxi’d off 5 minutes later. But I know I have work to do on my anxiety and I am going to work so hard on healing myself with help, so I can fulfill the rest of my to be announced shows. And we are planning on returning to Sweden to make up for these shows being postponed too.

I apologise to anybody who made plans to see me live in Sweden and to anybody that feels let down, trust me, its hurts me beyond belief. But I know who I am and what I am capable of with a little work and focus, and my main focus is getting back out on the road in 2019/2020 to fulfill my shows and work on more positive mental health and figuring out better coping mechanisms for my anxiety disorder. I do not regret my decision to postpone these 2 shows, my health is really important, but I do wish this was easier sometimes.

I am overwhelmed by the universal love for my last 2 records. I can not wait to perform live over the coming years and I hope for a little patience whilst I learn to step out in to the big world after a trauma.

See you on the road again soon, daniel xox